Newsletter Digests
Keith Petri
With the average consumer receiving over 100 emails per day, lockrMail can deliver a single email as a summary of multiple you might receive in a certain time period.
With lockrMail Digests, receive an aggregation of multiple newsletters, delivered at the user's request with advanced filters. Choose to have a single digest of all the best eCommerce deals delivered each week on Friday afternoon - as you wind down for the weekend. Or, have a single email delivered on Sunday morning with the most relevant news for your industry to prepare for the week ahead!
Jenny Hagan
Digests are now live! This is currently an early access feature - just refer a friend to lockrMail and once they sign up we'll give your account access to Digests! Learn more about Digests on our blog: and in our Help Center:
Keith Petri
in progress
Keith Petri
Here is a sneak peak of what we are working on! Excited to bring this feature to market later this summer. If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to post them here.
Keith Petri