Keith Petri
Learn more about lockrBox here: https://lockrmail.com/tutorial/goodbye-fomo-hello-lockrbox/
Keith Petri
James Lamb - we have released the first iteration of lockrBox in the most recent update. We still allow new senders to be delivered by default, but we will be creating the ability to shift this option to block by default in the future. When released, we will incorporate a section in the lockrBox email that shows new senders that have tried to contact you. We have a separate ticket in Canny for this. I am closing out this feature and marking it as completed.
Keith Petri
in progress
lockrBox will be released shortly:
The weekly roundup is improving! Instead of a small selection of blocked emails sent each Sunday, we will be releasing a new email feature: lockrBox. lockrBox is a complete round-up of all blocked emails (including Sender, subject, date and time) over a given period. By default, lockrBox will send weekly on Sundays (replacing the Weekly Roundup), but users will be able to control the cadence (daily/weekly/monthly) of lockrBox as well as the delivery day and time. lockrBox will make it much easier to quickly scan all blocked emails over your preferred period to make sure you didn't miss anything important.
Keith Petri
We are working on 2 new features related to this request:
i) "block all emails" by default - where the user will have to release any and all emails they desire. Versus right now all new senders are "approved" until otherwise classified.
ii) we will have a function to receive a daily, weekly, or monthly email that includes a list of all blocked/filtered messages. This will not be called a Digest, as we use that term for a different product, but we are working on names right now! Let me know if you have any ideas.
Keith Petri
under review
Keith Petri
James, any emails that are Blocked or Filtered per Sender are kept in your lockrMail account. At any point in the future you can "release" them to a destination inbox of your choosing.
We currently offer a weekly report on emails blocked and filtered. We will consider offering different frequencies for the delivery of this email and format (i.e. right now we only include a few select messages, but we can incorporate a full-digest if users will find that level of detail useful).
James Lamb
Keith Petri: Slightly different. Instead of emailing me unknown messages and asking me how to handle, I'd rather they were just kept at LockrMail.
Otherwise, it's a game of whack-a-mole with new messages always demanding attention and causing my phone to alert me. But if they were held until I told LockrMail what to do with them, then they have no chance to alerting me until I've proactively said they were worth delivering.
Keith Petri
James Lamb: understood. This is the default functionality of a tool like Hey. We felt that this was disruptive to most email use cases. For example:
i) order confirmation. You want to immediately receive an email confirming an order at a new retailer (without having to remember to go approve it in the lockrMail dashboard.
ii) confirmation of a subscription to a newsletter. With Hey.com you must sign up for a newsletter, manually go approve the sender, and then click "confirm" - it adds a step.
I am very open to creating a default setting in a user's account where they can select "allow all" by default (as the current set up is) and "block all" by default. This isn't a large lift and will be something we consider for the roadmap this summer as we continue discussions with early users.
James Lamb
Keith Petri: Yeah, the whole benefit of unknown emails being held until approved is the opposite effect: least disruptive.
I think in both of the cases you cite, you've just entered your LockrMail address, so it's fresh in your mind that it's going to be waiting in your Lockr until you approve.